

本章介绍线性时间复杂度的后缀排序的就地算法1(Optimal In-Place Suffix Sorting)。


本章 只建议非常非常熟悉 SA-IS23的前提下阅读。


目标字符串 \(\texttt{Pat}\),后缀数组 \(\texttt{SA}\),串的序号从 0 开始,结尾字符是警戒哨,不妨设为 0。


事实上这一部分可以看成是原地版本的 SA-IS 算法。


原地化的原理是用重命名的 \(\texttt{Pat}\) 代替 S、L 桶,用额外 \(O(n)\) 的操作代替类型桶。

重命名目标串 Pat

简单来说,我们会在不改变后缀大小的相对顺序的前提下,重命名 \(\texttt{Pat}\),用重命名后的 \(\texttt{Pat}\) 来取代原来 S、L 桶,来指明桶头或者桶尾。

重命名的方法是将 \(\texttt{Pat}\) 中的 S 型字符替换为所在桶的桶尾索引,L 型字符替换为所在桶的桶头索引。


\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{Pat}:\qquad&\texttt{ 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 0} \\ \texttt{Type}:\qquad&\texttt{ L S S L L S S L L S L L S} \\ \texttt{Bucket}:\qquad&\texttt{(0)}\texttt{ }\texttt{(1}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ } \texttt{ 1) }\texttt{(2 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 2) }\texttt{(3}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 3 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 3 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 3)} \end{aligned} \]

重命名后的 \(\texttt{Pat'}\)(之后直接将重命名后的 \(\texttt{Pat'}\) 称做 \(\texttt{Pat}\)):

\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{Pat'}:\qquad&\texttt{ 7 6 6 9 9 6 6 9 9 6 7 1 0} \end{aligned} \]

由于桶内的字符,L 型字符后缀小,作为桶头;而 S 型字符后缀大,作为桶尾,因此保持了后缀大小的相对顺序。


  1. 和 SA-IS 一样,对 \(\texttt{Pat}\) 中每个字符计数,计算其前缀和(计数排序),来构建 S/L 桶,只不过这里用 \(\texttt{SA}\) 盛放这个前缀和;
  2. 从尾到头,扫描 \(\texttt{Pat}\) 的每个字符,这样只需记录上一个字符的类型,就可以动态地判断每个字符的类型,然后依据前缀和将其重命名。

对 LMS 字符排序



初始的时候将 \(\texttt{SA}\) 每一项设为 E(EMPTY)。

从尾到头扫描 \(\texttt{Pat}\),如果发现是 LMS 字符,\(\texttt{Pat[i]}\),那么就设置 \(\texttt{SA[Pat[i]]}\) 的标记:

如果 \(\texttt{SA[Pat[i]]}\) 是 E,就将其设为 U(UNIQUE);

如果 \(\texttt{SA[Pat[i]]}\) 是 U,就将其设为 M(MULTIPLE);



\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{Pat}:\qquad&\texttt{ 7 6 6 9 9 6 6 9 9 6 7 1 0} \\ \texttt{LMS}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ ∗ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ * }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ * }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ * } \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(}\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{U}}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E)}\texttt{ }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{M}}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)} \end{aligned} \]

把 LMS 字符的索引放入 SA

从尾到头扫描 \(\texttt{Pat}\),对于 LMS 字符 \(\texttt{Pat[i]}\),根据 \(\texttt{SA[Pat[i]]}\) 的符号进行分类讨论:

U:直接让 \(\texttt{SA[Pat[i]] = i}\)

M:意味着桶中有至少两个 LMS 字符。

  1. 如果桶中有至少三个 LMS 字符: 就把桶中倒数第二个位置作为临时计数器,标志桶中已填充的 LMS 字符数(桶中倒数第一位就是标志 M) 将新的 LMS 字符从倒数第三个位置开始插入,让临时计数器自增 1。 如果发现桶已经满了,就把桶中从桶头到倒数第三个的所有元素向右平移 2 个位置,然后把新元素插入到桶中第二个位置(桶中第一个位置填为 E)

  2. 如果桶中有且只有 2 个 LMS 字符,显然不需要计数器,直接从右到左顺序插入即可。


根据我们之前的讨论,此时不管桶中有两个还是两个以上的 LMS 字符,这都意味着 $\texttt{i}$ 是桶中最后一个待插入的 LMS 字符的位置,

只需要从桶头开始向左扫描,找到第一个标记为 E 的位置,将其设为 $\texttt{i}$。

最后要从尾到头扫描一遍 \(\texttt{SA}\),清除可能残余的特殊符号 M(桶中未被填满,所以 M 和计数器未被覆盖)。

方法是将桶中 LMS 字符如上述步骤一样向右平移 2 位,将左边空出来的位置填为 E。


\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{Pat}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 7 6 6 9 9 6 6 9 9 6 7 1 0} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(}\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{12}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ (E)}\texttt{ (E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ M}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ } \texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12) }\texttt{(E)}\texttt{ (E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ } \texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{9}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\color{red}{\texttt{ 1 }}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ } {\color{red}{\texttt{M}}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E } \texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12) }\texttt{(E)}\texttt{ (E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{5}}}} \texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\texttt{9}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\color{red}{\texttt{ 2 }}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ } {\color{red}{\texttt{M}}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E } \texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12) }\texttt{(E)}\texttt{ (}\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\texttt{ 5}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\texttt{9}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\color{red}{\texttt{ 3 }}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\color{red}{\texttt{M}}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12) }\texttt{(E)}\texttt{ (}\texttt{E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }{\color{red}{\texttt{ 1 }}\texttt{ }{\texttt{ 5 }}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\texttt{9}}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)} \end{aligned} \]

这个阶段,由于每个桶只需要被移动和扫描一次,所以时间复杂度是 \(O(n)\)

诱导排序 LMS 子串

诱导排序 LMS 前缀

将 LMS 前缀进行诱导排序,同 SA-IS 一样,这部分同后面对后缀的诱导排序完全一样(使用同一个函数),因此这里直接跳过。


\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(}\texttt{12}\texttt{)}\texttt{(11)}\texttt{ (1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 5 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 9 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 2 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 6}\texttt{) }\texttt{(10 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0) }\texttt{(4}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 8 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 3 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 7)} \end{aligned} \]

将已排序的 LMS 子串放到 SA 尾部

\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{12}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{5}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{9}}}} \end{aligned} \]

构建规模缩减的子目标串 Pat1

从左到右扫描 \(\texttt{SA}\) 尾部的 LMS 子串,确定其大小关系「重命名」,将 \(\texttt{SA[i]}\) 重命名的值存储在 \(\texttt{SA}\left[\left\lfloor\frac{\texttt{SA}[i]}{2} \right\rfloor\right]\)

因为 LMS 字符并不相邻,所以不会有冲突,这样做是将重命名后的值按照所代表的子串在 \(\texttt{Pat}\) 中的原顺序放置:

\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{2}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{0}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ 12 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 5 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 9 } \end{aligned} \]

然后扫描 \(\texttt{SA}\),收集这些重命名的值到 \(\texttt{SA}\) 头部:

\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{2}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{0}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ 12 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 5 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 9 } \end{aligned} \]

通过递归解决 Pat1,完成对 LMS 后缀的排序

同 SA-IS 一样,递归解决 \(\texttt{SA}\) 头部的规模缩减的 \(\texttt{Pat1}\) 的后缀排序,结果存到 \(\texttt{SA}\) 尾部:

\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 2 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{3}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{0}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{2}}}} \end{aligned} \]

\(\texttt{SA}\) 尾部的 \(\texttt{SA1}\) 挪到 \(\texttt{SA}\) 头部,重新从尾到头扫描 \(\texttt{Pat}\),将其中 LMS 字符按照在 \(\texttt{Pat}\) 中的顺序放到 \(\texttt{SA}\) 尾部:

\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{3}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{0}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{2}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{5}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{9}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{12}}}} \end{aligned} \]

依照 \(\texttt{SA}\) 尾部的「对照表」,将 \(\texttt{SA1}\) 头部的 \(\texttt{SA}\) 还原为 \(\texttt{Pat}\) 中对应的 LMS 后缀的索引位置:

\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{12}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{5}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{9}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 5 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 9 }\texttt{ 12 } \end{aligned} \]

\(\texttt{SA}\) 头部的排好序的 LMS 后缀按顺序放入到对应的桶中(从尾部开始放):

\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(}{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{12}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ }\texttt{(E)}\texttt{ (}\texttt{E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{5}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{9}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)} \end{aligned} \]

对 Pat1 中所有的后缀进行诱导排序


假如我们已经有排好序的 LMS 后缀(在桶尾),来诱导 L 型后缀4

\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{Pat}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 7 6 6 9 9 6 6 9 9 6 7 1 0} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12) }\texttt{(E)}\texttt{ (}\texttt{E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }{\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }{\texttt{ 5 }}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\texttt{9}}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)} \end{aligned} \]

如同排序 LMS 字符一样,先对 L 型字符用特殊符号计数:

\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{Pat}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 7 6 6 9 9 6 6 9 9 6 7 1 0} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(}{{\texttt{12}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ }\texttt{(}{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{U}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 5 }\texttt{ }{\texttt{ 9}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(}{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{M}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(}{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{M}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)} \end{aligned} \]

从左到右扫描 SA,同对 LMS 字符排序一样,复杂一点的是判断 \(\texttt{suf[SA[i] - 1]}\) 的类型,需要分类讨论(详情参考代码):

\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(}{\overrightarrow{\color{red}{\texttt{12}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{(}{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{11}}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ (E E 1 5 9) (M E) (M E E E)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(}\texttt{12}\texttt{)}\texttt{(}{\overrightarrow{\color{red}{\texttt{11}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ (E E 1 5 9)}\texttt{(}{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{10}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)}\texttt{ (M E E E)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12)(11)}\texttt{ (E E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ } {\overrightarrow{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ 5 9)}\texttt{(10 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{0}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ (M E E E)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12)(11)}\texttt{ (E E 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ } {\overrightarrow{\color{red}{\texttt{5}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ 9)}\texttt{(10 0)}\texttt{ (}{\color{red}{\texttt{M 1}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{4}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12)(11)}\texttt{ (E E 1 5}\texttt{ }\texttt{ } {\overrightarrow{\color{red}{\texttt{9}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{(10 0)}\texttt{ (}{\color{red}{\texttt{M 2}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 4 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{8}}}}\texttt{)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12)(11)}\texttt{ (E E 1 5 9)(10 0)}\texttt{ (}{\overrightarrow{\color{red}{\texttt{4}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ 8 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{3}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E}\texttt{)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12)(11)}\texttt{ (E E 1 5 9)(10 0)}\texttt{ (4 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\overrightarrow{\color{red}{\texttt{8}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ 3 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{7}}}}\texttt{)} \end{aligned} \]

区别于 SA-IS 的是,对一个类型字符诱导排序后,需要清理 LMS 字符以免对后面的原地诱导排序:

\[ \begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12)(11)}\texttt{ (E E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{E}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{E}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{E}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{(10 0)}\texttt{ (4 8 3 7)} \end{aligned} \]

至于从 L 后缀诱导 S 后缀与从 LMS 后缀诱导 L 后缀完全对称,这里就不做多余介绍。



时间性能上和 SA-IS 没有显著差别,空间占用变为不到原来的 \(\dfrac{1}{3}\)(代码量多 1 倍),算是不愧为原文 Optimal In-Place Suffix Sorting1的标题。

use std::cmp::max;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut;

const LTYPE: bool = false;
const STYPE: bool = true;
const MAX_SA_VALUE: usize = usize::MAX / 2;
const EMPTY: usize = MAX_SA_VALUE + 1;
const UNIQUE: usize = MAX_SA_VALUE + 2;
const MULTI: usize = MAX_SA_VALUE + 3;  // >= 258

fn lms_str_cmp<E: Ord>(l1: &[E], l2: &[E]) -> Ordering {
    for (x, y) in l1.iter().zip(l2.iter()) {
        let cmp_res = x.cmp(&y);

        if cmp_res != Ordering::Equal { return cmp_res; }


fn pat_char_type(cur: usize, prev: usize, last_scanned_type: bool) -> bool {
    if cur < prev || cur == prev && last_scanned_type == STYPE { STYPE }
    else { LTYPE }

fn rename_pat(pat: &mut [usize], sa: &mut [usize]) {
    let patlastpos = pat.len() - 1;
    // 全部刷成bucket head
    for i in 0..sa.len() { sa[i] = 0 }

    for i in 0..pat.len() { sa[pat[i]] += 1 }
    for i in 1..sa.len() { sa[i] += sa[i - 1] }

    for i in 0..pat.len() - 1 {
        pat[i] = sa[pat[i]] - 1;
    // 将L-suffix刷成bucket head
    for i in 0..sa.len() { sa[i] = 0 }

    for i in 0..pat.len() { sa[pat[i]] += 1 }
    let mut last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    pat[patlastpos] = 0;
    for i in (0..pat.len() - 1).rev() {
        if pat_char_type(pat[i], pat[i + 1], last_scanned_type) == STYPE {
            last_scanned_type = STYPE;
        } else {
            pat[i] -= sa[pat[i]] - 1;
            last_scanned_type = LTYPE;


fn sort_lms_char(pat: &mut [usize], sa: &mut [usize]) -> usize {
    for i in 0..sa.len() { sa[i] = EMPTY }

    let mut last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    for i in (0..pat.len() - 1).rev() {
        if pat_char_type(pat[i], pat[i + 1], last_scanned_type) == STYPE {
            last_scanned_type = STYPE;
        } else {
            if last_scanned_type == STYPE {  // pat[i + 1] is LMS type
                sa[pat[i + 1]] += 1;

            last_scanned_type = LTYPE;

    let mut lms_cnt = 0;
    last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    for i in (0..pat.len() - 1).rev() {
        if pat_char_type(pat[i], pat[i + 1], last_scanned_type) == STYPE {
            last_scanned_type = STYPE;
        } else {
            let e_i = i + 1;
            let e = pat[e_i];

            if last_scanned_type == STYPE {  // pat[i + 1] is LMS type
                lms_cnt += 1;
                if sa[e] == UNIQUE {
                    sa[e] = e_i;
                } else if sa[e] >= MULTI && sa[e - 1] == EMPTY {
                    if sa[e - 2] == EMPTY {
                        sa[e - 2] = e_i;
                        sa[e - 1] = 1;  // set counter
                    } else {  // MUL = 2
                        sa[e] = e_i;
                        sa[e - 1] = EMPTY;
                } else if sa[e] >= MULTI && sa[e - 1] != EMPTY {
                    let c = sa[e - 1];  // get counter

                    if sa[e - 2 - c] == EMPTY {
                        sa[e - 2 - c] = e_i;
                        sa[e - 1] += 1;  // update counter
                    } else {
                        for j in (1..c + 1).rev() {
                            sa[e - c + j] = sa[e - 2 - c + j]
                        sa[e - c] = e_i;
                        sa[e - c - 1] = EMPTY;
                } else if sa[e] < EMPTY {
                    for j in (0..e).rev() {
                        if sa[j] == EMPTY {
                            sa[j] = e_i;

            last_scanned_type = LTYPE;

    for i in (0..pat.len()).rev() {
        if sa[i] >= MULTI {
            let c = sa[i - 1];
            for j in (1..c + 1).rev() {  // 逆序防止前面的覆盖后面的
                sa[i - c + j] = sa[i - 2 - c + j];
            sa[i - c - 1] = EMPTY;
            sa[i - c] = EMPTY;


fn sort_lms_substr(pat: &mut [usize], sa: &mut [usize]) {
    // step 1
    induced_sort(pat, sa);

    // step 2
    let pat_last_pos = pat.len() - 1;
    let mut lms_cnt = 0;
    let mut i = pat_last_pos;
    let mut bucket_tail_ptr = pat_last_pos + 1;  // for renamed bucket ver
    let mut bucket = EMPTY;  // 可以省略,但是为了书写代码方便
    let mut num = 0;  // S type number of bucket
    while i > 0 {
        if pat[sa[i]] != bucket {  // reach new bucket
            num = 0;

            let mut l = 0;
            while pat[sa[i - l]] == pat[sa[i]] {  // 扫描桶来计算桶中S字符数量,根据定义 当l=i时循环必然终止
                let pat_i = sa[i - l];             // l < i, 即 i - l > 0, 0 <= pat_i < patlen - 1
                if pat[pat_i] < pat[pat_i + 1] {
                    let mut k = pat_i;
                    while k > 0 && pat[k - 1] == pat[pat_i] { k -= 1 }
                    num += pat_i - k + 1;
                } else {
                    break;   // bucket不含S字符,结束扫描

                l += 1;

            bucket_tail_ptr = i;
            bucket = pat[sa[bucket_tail_ptr]];

        if num > 0
        && i > bucket_tail_ptr - num
        && sa[i] > 0
        && pat[sa[i]] < pat[sa[i] - 1]  {
            sa[pat_last_pos - lms_cnt] = sa[i];
            lms_cnt += 1;

        i -= 1;

    sa[pat_last_pos - lms_cnt ] = sa[i];  // i = 0
    lms_cnt += 1;
    //sa[0..pat_last_pos - lms_cnt + 1].fill(EMPTY);
    for i in 0..pat_last_pos - lms_cnt + 1 { sa[i] = EMPTY }

fn construct_pat1(pat: &mut [usize], sa: &mut [usize], lms_cnt: usize) -> bool {
    let patlen = pat.len();

    let mut prev_lms_str_len = 1;
    let mut rank = 0;
    sa[(patlen - 1) / 2] = rank;
    let mut has_duplicated_char = false;
    for i in patlen - lms_cnt + 1..patlen {  // 从警戒哨字符的下一个字符开始
        let mut j = sa[i];
        while pat[j] <= pat[j + 1] { j += 1 } // 寻找suf(sa[i])右边第一个L字符,因为排除了警戒哨这个LMS后缀,所以必然不会越界
        let mut k = j;
        while k + 1 < patlen && pat[k] >= pat[k + 1] { k += 1 }  // 找到suf(sa[i])右边第一个LMS字符
        let cur_lms_str_len = k + 1 - sa[i];
        let cmp_res = lms_str_cmp(&pat[sa[i]..sa[i] + cur_lms_str_len], &pat[sa[i - 1]..sa[i - 1] + prev_lms_str_len]);

        if  cmp_res != Ordering::Equal {
            rank += 1

        if rank == sa[sa[i - 1] / 2] {
            has_duplicated_char = true;
        let rank_index = sa[i] / 2;
        sa[rank_index] = rank;  // 整除

        prev_lms_str_len = cur_lms_str_len;

    // move to head of sa
    let mut j = 0;
    for i in 0..patlen - lms_cnt {
        if sa[i] != EMPTY {
            sa[j] = sa[i];
            if i > j {
                sa[i] = EMPTY;
            j += 1;
    for i in lms_cnt..patlen { sa[i] = EMPTY }


fn sort_lms_suf(pat: &mut [usize], sa: &mut [usize], lms_cnt: usize, has_duplicated_char: bool) {
    // solve T1 recursively
    let patlen = pat.len();
    let salen = sa.len();
    unsafe {
        let sa_ptr = sa.as_mut_ptr();
        let mut pat1 = from_raw_parts_mut(sa_ptr, lms_cnt);
        let mut sa1 = from_raw_parts_mut(sa_ptr.offset((patlen - lms_cnt) as isize), salen - (patlen - lms_cnt));

        if has_duplicated_char {
            _compute_suffix_array_16_1(&mut pat1, &mut sa1);
        } else {
            for i in 0..lms_cnt { sa1[pat1[i]] = i }

    // move SA1 to SA[0...n1-1]
    for i in 0..lms_cnt {
        sa[i] = sa[patlen- lms_cnt + i];

    // put all LMS-suffixes in SA tail
    let mut last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    let mut j = 0;
    for i in (0..pat.len() - 1).rev() {
        if pat[i] < pat[i + 1] || pat[i] == pat[i + 1] && last_scanned_type == STYPE {
            last_scanned_type = STYPE;
        } else {
            if last_scanned_type == STYPE {
                sa[patlen - 1 - j] = i + 1;
                j += 1;

            last_scanned_type = LTYPE;

    // backward map the LMS-suffixes rank
    for i in 0..lms_cnt {
        let relative_rank = sa[i];
        sa[i] = sa[patlen - lms_cnt + relative_rank];
        sa[patlen - lms_cnt + relative_rank] = EMPTY;

    let mut tail = EMPTY;
    let mut rfp = EMPTY;
    for i in (1..lms_cnt).rev() { // sa[0] 保持原位
        if pat[sa[i]] != tail {
            tail = pat[sa[i]];
            rfp = tail;

        sa[rfp] = sa[i];
        if rfp != i { sa[i] = EMPTY }
        rfp -= 1;

// PASS!
fn induced_sort(pat: &mut [usize], sa: &mut [usize]) {
    let patlen = pat.len();

    // place L-suff in SA
    // init
    let mut last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    for i in (0..patlen - 1).rev() {
        if pat_char_type(pat[i], pat[i + 1], last_scanned_type) == LTYPE {
            sa[pat[i]] += 1;  // >= EMPTY
            last_scanned_type = LTYPE;
        } else {
            last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    let mut i = 0;
    while i < patlen {
        if sa[i] < EMPTY && sa[i] > 0 {
            let j = sa[i] - 1;
            let mut is_ltype = false;
            if pat[j] > pat[j + 1] {
                is_ltype = true;
            } else if pat[j] == pat[j + 1] {  // 判断sa[i]是否是L后缀的编号
                let next_i = sa[pat[sa[i]]];
                if next_i >= MULTI {
                    is_ltype = true;
                } else if next_i < EMPTY && pat[sa[i]] + 1 < patlen {
                    if sa[pat[sa[i]] + 1] == EMPTY {
                        is_ltype = true;
                    } else if sa[pat[sa[i]] + 1] < EMPTY {
                        if pat[sa[pat[sa[i]] + 1]] == pat[sa[i]] {
                            is_ltype = true;

            if is_ltype {
                if sa[pat[j]] == UNIQUE {
                    sa[pat[j]] = j;
                } else if sa[pat[j]] >= MULTI && sa[pat[j] + 1] == EMPTY {
                    if sa[pat[j]] - EMPTY > 2 {
                        sa[pat[j] + 2] = j;
                        sa[pat[j] + 1] = 1;  // set counter
                    } else {
                        sa[pat[j]] = j;
                } else if sa[pat[j]] >= MULTI && sa[pat[j] + 1] != EMPTY {
                    let e = pat[j];
                    let c = sa[e + 1];
                    let lfp = e + c + 2;
                    if  c + 2 < sa[pat[j]] - EMPTY {  // 没到bucket尾部
                        sa[lfp] = j;
                        sa[e + 1] += 1;  // update counter
                    } else {
                        for k in 1..c + 1 {
                            sa[e + k - 1] = sa[e + k + 1];
                        sa[e + c] = j;
                        sa[e + c + 1] = EMPTY;
                        if i >= e + 2 && i <= e + c + 1 {
                            i -= 2;
                } else if sa[pat[j]] < EMPTY {
                    for k in pat[j]..patlen {
                        if sa[k] == EMPTY {
                            sa[k] = j;
        } else if sa[i] >= MULTI {
            i += 1;

        i += 1;

    // remove LMS-suff form SA, 一个桶里可能有多个LMS后缀
    last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    for i in (0..pat.len() - 1).rev() {
        if pat_char_type(pat[i], pat[i + 1], last_scanned_type) == STYPE {
            last_scanned_type = STYPE;
        } else {
            if last_scanned_type == STYPE {  // pat[i + 1] is LMS type
                if sa[pat[i + 1]] <= EMPTY {
                    sa[pat[i + 1]] = UNIQUE;
                } else {
                    sa[pat[i + 1]] += 1;

            last_scanned_type = LTYPE;
    i = patlen - 1;
    while i > 0 {
        if sa[i] > EMPTY {
            let c = sa[i] - EMPTY;
            for k in 0..c {
                sa[i - k] = EMPTY;
            i -= c - 1;

        i -= 1;
    sa[0] = pat.len() - 1;

    // place S-suff in SA
    // init
    let mut last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    for i in (0..patlen - 1).rev() {
        if pat_char_type(pat[i], pat[i + 1], last_scanned_type) == STYPE {
            if sa[pat[i]] >= EMPTY {
                sa[pat[i]] += 1;
            } else {
                sa[pat[i]] = UNIQUE;
            last_scanned_type = STYPE;
        } else {
            last_scanned_type = LTYPE;
    i = patlen - 1;
    while i > 0 {
        if sa[i] < EMPTY && sa[i] > 0 {
            let j = sa[i] - 1;
            let mut is_stype = false;
            if pat[j] < pat[j + 1] {
                is_stype = true;
            } else if pat[j] == pat[j + 1] {  // 判断sa[i]是否是S后缀的编号
                let next_i = sa[pat[sa[i]]];
                if next_i >= MULTI {
                    is_stype = true;
                } else if next_i < EMPTY && pat[sa[i]] - 1 > 0 {
                    if sa[pat[sa[i]] - 1] == EMPTY {
                        is_stype = true;
                    } else if sa[pat[sa[i]] - 1] < EMPTY {
                        if pat[sa[pat[sa[i]] - 1]] == pat[sa[i]] {
                            is_stype = true;

            if is_stype {
                if sa[pat[j]] == UNIQUE {
                    sa[pat[j]] = j;
                } else if sa[pat[j]] >= MULTI && sa[pat[j] - 1] == EMPTY {
                    if sa[pat[j]] - EMPTY > 2 {
                        sa[pat[j] - 2] = j;
                        sa[pat[j] - 1] = 1;  // set counter
                    } else {
                        sa[pat[j]] = j;
                } else if sa[pat[j]] >= MULTI && sa[pat[j] - 1] != EMPTY {
                    let e = pat[j];
                    let c = sa[e - 1];
                    let num = sa[pat[j]] - EMPTY;
                    if c + 2 < num {  // 没到bucket头部
                        let rfp = e - c - 2;
                        sa[rfp] = j;
                        sa[e - 1] += 1;
                    } else {
                        for k in 1..c + 1 {
                            sa[e - k + 1] = sa[e - k - 1];
                        sa[e - c] = j;
                        sa[e - c - 1] = EMPTY;
                        if i >= e - num + 1 && i <= e - 2 {
                            i += 2;
                } else if sa[pat[j]] < EMPTY {
                    for k in (0..pat[j]).rev() {
                        if sa[k] == EMPTY {
                            sa[k] = j;
        } else if sa[i] >= MULTI {
            i -= 1;
        i -= 1;

fn _compute_suffix_array_16_1(pat: &mut [usize], sa: &mut [usize]) {
    rename_pat(pat, sa);
    let lms_cnt = sort_lms_char(pat, sa);
    sort_lms_substr(pat, sa);
    let has_duplicated_char = construct_pat1(pat, sa, lms_cnt);
    sort_lms_suf(pat, sa, lms_cnt, has_duplicated_char);
    induced_sort(pat, sa);

pub fn suffix_array_16(pat: &[u8]) -> Vec<usize> {
    let mut pat = pat.into_iter().map(|x| *x as usize).collect::<Vec<usize>>();
    let mut sa = vec![0; max(pat.len(), 256) * 1];
    _compute_suffix_array_16_1(&mut pat[..], &mut sa[..]);


fn input() -> String {
    use std::io;

    let mut input = String::new();
    io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).unwrap();

fn main() {
    let pat = input();

    let sa_16 = suffix_array_16(pat.as_bytes());

    for i in 1..pat.len() + 1 { print!("{} ", sa_16[i] + 1) }



算法实现的难点在于在 \(\texttt{SA}\) 上构建 BitMaps5,来替代本来由重命名后的 T 所指示的指示桶尾/桶头的位置。

这里的 BitMaps 指得是使用比特向量(bit vector)表示的有序字典(multiset),是一种紧凑型结构(compact data structure)。

有兴趣了解的暂时只能阅读原文以及本文引用的 BitMaps 的有关论文自行了解。





  1. Li, Zhize; Li, Jian; Huo, Hongwei (2016).Optimal In-Place Suffix Sorting. Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 11147. Springer. pp. 268–284. arXiv:1610.08305. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-00479-8_22. ISBN:978-3-030-00478-1. 

  2. Ge Nong, Sen Zhang, and Wai Hong Chan. Linear suffix array construction by almost pure induced-sorting. In Data Compression Conference (DCC), pages 193–202. IEEE, 2009. 

  3. 推荐阅读 博文 和它的 issue 列表 

  4. 如果是 LML 后缀,就先诱导 S 型后缀,唯一区别是计算 LML 后缀时需要将警戒哨也算进去。 

  5. Gonzalo Navarro and Eliana Providel. Fast, small, simple rank/select on bitmaps. In Proc. 11th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA), pages 295–306, 2012.